Who We Are

Our Mission

SMGG is a nonprofit maritime organization affiliated with the American Baptist Churches, USA.  Our purpose is to provide for the well-being/welfare of merchant seafarers through spiritual care and emotional support, hospitality and advocacy for their justice needs. We pursue our purpose through a variety of direct services including visits to the ships to talk and counsel with seafarers, arranging visits with family members when seafarers are allowed to leave the ships while they are birthed in Bay Area ports, and to provide transportation for seafarers to do shopping or sightseeing in the Bay Area.

We also provide a welcoming environment, “a home away from home” at the International Maritime Center, where seafarers can relax, play games, have snacks, walk along the shore, or simply have friendly chats with our chaplains or local volunteers.

Founded in 1946, SMGG is part of a network of seafarer centers throughout the world. We are a founding member of the International Maritime Center, an ecumenical alliance of several religious denominations united in serving the seafarers. We are an active member of the Oakland Chamber of Commerce, SPUR, the North American Maritime Ministry Association [NAMMA], the International Christian Maritime Association, and Ministry to Seafarers.

Our People